Life in the Eyes of John

A blog on life, love, people, cars, and everything I can think about...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

It's Been a While

More than half a year... wow, and I still don't know what to write.

For one thing, I've been uber-busy at work for, you've guessed it, more than half a year. It had been very hard for me to find time to write new entries to my blog. (In fact, Katrina asked me to write a new entry... yep, that's how busy I am.)

Speaking of my dear Katrina May, we're 43 months into our relationship, and still happy and strong. And, in case you plan to ask, we're planning to get married on our 60th month (or 5th year, take your pick). Or maybe sooner; we'll see.

I'm still working at Kaisa Consulting, Ramcar's SAP consulting group. Pay is quite good compared to most jobs out there, but I'm starting to have the need (or want, but "need" is better in my case right now) for a bigger income.

I've recently turned 25, by the way. I guess the quarter-life crisis does exist. I mean... even months before I hit 25, there are so many things that I would have wanted to do, but failed to do. I guess this is the same thing that goes on to people in their mid-life crises. Right now, I have this behavior of wanting to hurry things. Hurry up in work, hurry up to get rich, hurry up to marry the girl of my dreams, hurry up to fulfill my childhood fantasies... all that clashing at once. For instance, I once wished that I'd get married even before I hit twenty. Now that I'm 25... I don't think that will ever happen *d-oh!*. I'm late, and I need to hurry up.

I wonder what God has in store for me... sometimes, it's just impossible to figure out...


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