Life in the Eyes of John

A blog on life, love, people, cars, and everything I can think about...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Low Days

I can't study. I should be doing some work now. I'm in the office. Project is still pending for approval, no short tasks to accomplish -- just plain boring. I realized that I need some sort of computer-related task (programming, stuff like that) to get myself motivated with my studies again.

Maybe it's just one of those low days. You know... days when all you want to do is laze around. It happens to everyone, I guess. It's just some biorhythmic cycle, dictating how much we can do everyday.

Perhaps it's psychological. Early this morning, dad informed me that Lolo Jo has passed away. Dad didn't seem affected, but maybe he is. It's his dad. But Lolo Jo and I aren't close, but still is a memory. I remembered his face hours ago. No big emotions here. In fact, I feel kind of happy he passed away, since he's been in a coma for around 2 weeks. May he rest in peace.

I can't remember our house traditions when these things happen, but I'm sure that me and my fellow siblings will be discouraged from having fun. If I can recall correctly, the time my lolo from mom's side (may he rest in peace, too) passed away, I don't recall going out for a week.

Perhaps this is the source of my depression. You see... two days from now, Kat and I will be two years into the relationship. It's plain reflex to come up with a celebration (not all relationships go this far, and I'm certain this will go further), which will be cut short or delayed due to current circumstances.

Hmm... guess I hit the jackpot. Oh well... time to find my motivation again...


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