Life in the Eyes of John

A blog on life, love, people, cars, and everything I can think about...

Monday, August 23, 2004

Will You Fry Genetically-Modified Chicken?

Here's something forwarded to me by one of my officemates, which originally came from Reuters:

"Two featherless chickens peck around in some grass May 22, 2002 at the Hebrew University in Rehevot. Israeli scientists at the Agricultural department of the university have genetically engineered bare-skinned chickens as part of a research project to develop succulent, low-fat poultry that is environmentally friendly. The naked chicken, as the bird has been dubbed, would also save poultry farmers large amounts of money on ventilation to prevent their chickens from overheating."

The so-called naked chicken is, well, naked. It has no feathers, and has red skin. In fact, it looks just like a reddened chicken from your poultry shop - only that it can still walk and breathe.

The idea is brilliant. You get to "design" chicken that has more flavor and less fat. Plus, it also shaves electric bills for poultry farmers, which, in effect, lowers the prices of chicken meat (or, if the price is not reduced, increases the chicken farmers' profits).

However, the question is are we willing to eat it? Are you willing to eat a genetics experiment? Will you put aside personal aesthetics for cheaper chicken meat?

Personally, I won't mind - as long as the meat is proven safe to eat. Besides, it's still chicken - cheaper and yummier chicken.


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