Life in the Eyes of John

A blog on life, love, people, cars, and everything I can think about...

Saturday, May 08, 2004

War And Deception

Yep... I'm the bad guy in this story. You see, deception is war, and war is deception. Whether you like it or not, any form of deception, be accidental, incidental, or a mix of both, is still an act of war.

Now what if you meant to deceive, but not make war? Still wrong; still an act of war.

Here's my case. I was going to meet up with Kat in Makati and I found myself with time to kill. When she told me she was going to write an exam, I thought, well, I can sidetrack - play just one video game.

Problem is I know she's irritated with it, so I thought that if I asked, I'd get a "no". Mode of action? Hide. Maybe I could get away with it.


Minutes later, I got my cellphone with 9 missed calls on it. Initial reaction was "oh shit". Mode of action? Rush. Talk. Tell.

Right... but I killed the day already. What ensued was a fight. The rest was history. Logic: who wouldn't fight you after you deceived that person?

Moral lesson: a relationship at this level should be based on trust, not deception. Love and trust go together.

So if you have a hobby (or vice) that your partner might not like, still ask. Magpaalam. Hiding it is declaring a secret war on your partner.

Now, time for me to start growing up again...


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