Life in the Eyes of John

A blog on life, love, people, cars, and everything I can think about...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

In The Name of Love

Just attended a seminar on Apple stuff. Saw the Mac OS X Jaguar... and it's a beauty. It made Windows XP look like crap. Yes... C-R-A-P. Graphics were stellar... compatibility is great... security is nice... oh well. I'm no computer geek, but it's a nice system.

Anyway, after the seminar, Katrina and I broke away from the rest of the folks 'coz her mom was going home. And I became her ever-loving escort. Eventually, we leave Katrina's mom's office and drive her mom to the station.

After a while, we went to the parking lot, and after a phone call, Katrina told me she would rush and meet her mom. Guess she changed her mind about staying in the mall.

So what's this got to do with life? Think of it... we do so many things in the name of love. For instance, my ever-loving girlfriend chased her mom because she didn't like the thought that she would leave her all alone.

All in the name of love.

Later on, I parked and went to Timezone G4. I HAD to play Initial D... yes... I HAD TO!!! A few minutes later, she sent me an SMS (I won't use the term "texted" 'coz it's politically incorrect...), then called her up, then found out that she and her mom went shopping, then she told me she needed help on groceries.

And so, even if I was close to swiping my card, I rushed to her rescue. I gave up Initial D (I'll tell you how ADDICTED I am in another blog date...) and brisk-walked from G4 to Landmark. I met her, carried two fairly heavy bags of groceries, waited for their ride, then left.

All in the name of love.

Eventually, I returned to Timezone, played Initial D, creamed a guy in a Skyline twice and a guy in an Integra in my Lancer Evo IV.

All in the name of love.


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